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Blog 18: How to have a restful night‘s sleep daily?

Are you tired of tossing and turning all night? Say adiós (goodbye) to sleepless nights and hola (hello) to sweet dreams with these simple yet effective tips for a restful night's sleep.
Blog 18: How to have a restful night‘s sleep daily?
Photo by Minnie Zhou / Unsplash
My daughter was taking a nap and I happened to walk by and notice how peaceful she looked. My camera was within an arms reach so it just seemed to make sense to capture the moment. I wish I could put all my favorite moments into photographs.
Photo by Tara Raye / Unsplash


Have you ever found it difficult to fall asleep in the evenings, or sometimes do you wake up feeling groggy and tired?

It is vital to have a good night's sleep for your overall well-being and productivity during the day. Fortunately, help you achieve restful sleep and wake up rejuvenated each morning. From establishing a consistent sleep schedule to creating a comfortable sleep environment, this guide will provide helpful tips on getting the best possible sleep every night. So, get ready to say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to better sleep!

Why do we sleep?

Photo by bruce mars / Unsplash

Why do we even sleep in the first place? The answer lies in the essential processes that occur during the night while we are asleep. During this time, our body heals, restores, and regenerates cells, strengthening our immunity against illnesses. Our brain also consolidates memories, processes information, and boosts creativity and productivity. Therefore, sleep is vital for physical, mental, and emotional health and is a cornerstone of a healthy and happy life.

The consequences of poor sleep!

Have you ever felt the consequences of poor sleep the morning after? Maybe you had trouble concentrating, remembering things, or completing your tasks on time. Perhaps you felt moody, anxious, or even depressed. These are just a few of the short-term consequences of sleep deprivation. If sleep deprivation goes on for an extended period, more severe consequences can occur, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even depression.

If you like more information about why do we sleep, please check out my blog:

Blog 17: Why do we sleep.
Do you want a SUPERPOWER? The answer is SLEEP! Not just sleep, good quality SLEEP!

Let's share some of the ideas for achieving a more restful night's sleep each evening.

How to have a restful night's sleep daily?

  1. Make your Bedroom Comfortable
Minimal Morning
Photo by Spencer / Unsplash

Creating a comfortable sleeping environment is critical to restful sleep. Your bed should be relaxed, with clean linens and pillows that support your neck and head. For optimal sleep, the temperature should be comfortable, between 16 to 20 degrees (60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit). It's also essential to keep the bedroom quiet, dark, and free from such as a television or computer. It is important to have a comfortable sleep environment. A feeling of relaxation tells your body and mind that sleep is coming.

It is ideally better to have your room dark, as this will support the production of melatonin, a hormone that aids in sleep. Unnecessary noise or stimulation can disrupt sleep, so a quiet environment is also important. By creating a restful environment in your bedroom, you can promote restful and rejuvenating sleep that will make you feel energised and refreshed for the next day!

2. Establish a Sleep Routine

Mom and son reading time
Photo by Wesley Mc Lachlan / Unsplash

Establish a calming pre-sleep routine to help signal to your body that it's time for sleep. You could take a warm bath, warm shower, listen to relaxing music or read a book. Choose activities that help you unwind and relax rather than stimulate your mind. Establishing a consistent sleep routine, even on weekends, is essential to help train your body to sleep more quickly and deeply.

3. Give yourself a bedtime.

Sleeping baby
Photo by Dakota Corbin / Unsplash

Setting a regular bedtime for yourself can improve your overall health and productivity. Being consistent with the times you go to bed and wake up each day allows your body naturally regulates your sleep cycle. This helps you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed and energised.

Additionally, getting adequate sleep has been linked to lowering the chance of developing chronic health issues; these could be diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Sleep can also improve your concentration and cognitive functions, which would be better performance at school and work.

Overall, giving yourself a bedtime can be a vital step in taking care of your well-being and health.

4. 20-30 minutes wind down time before bed.

Photo by Cristian Palmer / Unsplash

A 20–30-minute wind-down period before bed can help prepare your mind and body for sleep. It allows you time to relax and unwind from the stresses of the day, letting go of any worries or anxieties that might keep you up at night.

During this time, you might engage in calming activities such as reading a book, practising meditation, or deep breathing exercises, taking a warm bath, journalling or doing some gentle stretches. These activities can help slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and reduce any muscle tension in your body.

Additionally, having a consistent wind-down routine can help support your circadian rhythm, which is your body's internal clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. By training your body to associate certain activities with sleep, you can signal to your brain that it's time to wind down and prepare for rest.

5. Using essential oils

Photo by Chelsea Gates / Unsplash

Essential oils are known to affect the limbic system; this is the segment of your brain that controls emotions, mood, and behaviour. Some oils, such as lavender, roman chamomile, lavender peace, and cedarwood, have calming properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and tranquillity. When inhaled.

Or applied topically, these oils can promote the production of hormones like serotonin and melatonin, which are responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. By using essential oils before bed, you may be able to create a calming environment that promotes restful sleep and a refreshed feeling in the morning.

Diffusing your rooms and or spraying your rooms with lavender and water from a glass spray bottle a couple of hours before bed is amazing. Massage your big toe with carrier oil and essential oil- vetiver before bed, ideally 30 minutes before bed. This can support having a deeper sleep.

For more information on how oils could support you here, check out my blog below:

10 Essential Oils that Every Home Needs!
If you are looking for a natural way to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, you have found your answer!

6. Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

Photo by Mike Kenneally / Unsplash

Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are known to disrupt sleep patterns. Try to avoid drinking these substances in the afternoon or evening. Instead, opt for herbal tea, milk, or water when it's close to bedtime. It's also essential to avoid heavy meals and large amounts of fluids before bedtime, which can lead to indigestion and trips to the bathroom during the night.

Sleep is an essential segment of our daily routine and a key factor in keeping our mind and body healthy. We spend one-third of our life sleeping! However, many people find it difficult to get a good night's rest, often due to factors that we are not conscious of, such as our evening consumption of alcohol and coffee. Though these beverages may provide us with a quick energy boost, consuming them after 2 pm could disrupt our sleep, leaving us feeling groggy and tired the next day. In this regard, avoiding alcohol and coffee after 2 pm can be an effective way to ensure a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep, allowing us to wake up feeling amazing and ready to live our best days! So, if you want to improve your sleep quality, it's time to consider your caffeine and alcohol intake and make some changes to your daily routine.

Saying this, if you want to have an alcoholic beverage over the weekend or weekday, that is ok to do; if it is in moderation. Only you can choose your weekly consumption. However, do consider your future you as well as the current you.

7. Get some movement or stretches; this would be light before bed.

Yoga in Yoga Studio on a Zen Bear Yoga Mat
Photo by Zen Bear Yoga / Unsplash

If you like a quality night's sleep that could reduce stress and tension in your body, give yoga and stretching exercises a go. These exercises promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension, leading to a lower heart rate and more balanced breathing. Additionally, many yoga poses can help stretch and release the lower back, hips, and hamstrings, which can relieve discomfort and improve overall comfort while sleeping. Practising yoga and stretching regularly can help regulate the body's circadian rhythm, promoting healthier sleep patterns and more rejuvenating rest.

The happy baby pose is best to do before bed; this will only take you 60-120 seconds. However, it will assist you in having a restful night's sleep. Doing Legs-Up the -Wall pose (Viparita Karani) is a great pose to do whether in the evening or during the day; it can support reducing stress and anxiety and is very simple for anyone to do.

What is your preferred time for exercise, morning, afternoon or evening?

Also, if you can get some sunlight on your body, ideally the morning sunlight, this can support your quality of sleep.

Some kind of movement is great. However, evening exercise should be light, nothing too strenuous.

8. Limit Screen Time

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk / Unsplash

Limit your screen time; the blue light from the devices can disrupt our body's natural sleep rhythms. Limit your screen time before bedtime and keep electronic devices out of the bedroom. Instead, choose a relaxing activity like reading a book or calming conversation with a loved one.

9. Practice Relaxation Techniques


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Meditation or deep breathing can help you feel calm in your body and mind. Visualising a quiet and peaceful scene can also be helpful. There are many different types of meditation; try them out and see what works for you.

Here are six options:

a.      Body Relaxation Meditation: This practice involves a systematic approach to relaxation by consciously relaxing each muscle group, starting from head to toe. It helps release tension and encourages deep relaxation, crucial for good sleep.

b.      Mindful Meditation: You will focus on the present moment and accept thoughts as they come and go. By doing this practice, it can decrease your level of stress and anxiety, both of which can interfere with sleep.

  1. Loving-Kindness Meditation: This practice involves visualising and sending positive energy towards yourself, loved ones, and others in need. It enhances feelings of compassion, kindness, and relaxation, facilitating better sleep.
  2. Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep): this practice involves lying down, listening to a guided meditation, and using many relaxation techniques. This can also diminish anxiety and stress and improves the quality of sleep.
  3. Breathing Meditation: This practice involves focusing on the breath, inhaling, and exhaling slowly and evenly. This allows the nervous system to calm down, decreases stress, and increases relaxation, making it an excellent practice before bed.
  4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This practice involves tensing and relaxing muscle groups systematically, starting from the feet and working towards your head. It helps release tension, reduce stress, and prepare the body for a restful night's sleep.

10. Clear out the garbage for one or two minutes each evening.

Balled up paper
Photo by Steve Johnson / Unsplash

Clearing out your mind of negative issues from the day can help you have a restful night's sleep because it reduces your stress levels. When you hold onto negative thoughts or emotions, your brain remains in a heightened state that affects your body's ability to relax and sleep. By acknowledging and processing negative experiences from the day before bed, you can release the associated tension and reduce the amount of cortisol - the stress hormone - in your body. This allows your body to relax and enter deeper stages of sleep, resulting in a more restorative and refreshing slumber.

Questions and Reflections:

Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash
  1. What is my current bedtime routine? Is it conducive to a good night's sleep, or is it adding to my stress levels?
  2. Do I have any habits or activities that are hindering my ability to fall and stay asleep?
  3. How much physical activity do I get during the day, and does it affect my sleep quality at night?
  4. Do I have an established sleep schedule, or do I go to bed at different times each night?
  5. Am I consuming any caffeine or alcohol in the evening, and is it affecting my ability to fall or stay asleep?
  6. What is the temperature and noise level in my sleep environment, and do I need to make any adjustments?
  7. Am I feeling anxious or stressed before bed, and how can I alleviate those feelings to promote a more restful night's sleep?
  8. Have I tried any relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, to help me wind down before bed?
  9. How much screen time do I have before going to bed, and how does it affect my sleep quality?
  10. Am I getting enough sunlight exposure during the day, and can it impact my sleep quality?

Top Quotes

“Go to bed you’ll feel better tomorrow” is the human version of “Did you try turning it off and on again?” Anonymous
“Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” Napoleon Bonaparte.
“Prioritizing good sleep is good self love.” Danielle Laporte
“Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone. “Anthony Burgess.
“The nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least I can dream.” Marilyn Monroe.
” The best eraser in the world is a good night’s sleep. O.A. Battista


Getting the right amount of sleep each evening is crucial to our overall well-being and health. By implementing some of the tips mentioned above, including creating a comfortable sleep environment, establishing a sleep routine, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, practising relaxation techniques, and incorporating light exercise or stretches, you can achieve a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Remember, it's essential to listen to your body and find what works best for you, whether incorporating essential oils, practising meditation, or clearing your mind before bed. So, say farewell to sleepless nights and hello to sweet dreams and a refreshed, energised feeling every morning!

References: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD

Connect with me:

Web: www.muktisantos.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnessofmukti

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Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions; I love interacting with the community.

A new blog on the 18th of June 2023 is about how to unlock the Secret to a Fulfilling Relationship: Discover Your Love Language and Transform the Way You Give and Receive Love!

Were you able to add an hour to your sleep if you were sleeping less than 7 hours daily? This was the call to action with last week's blogs!
Could you, for the next seven days, give yourself a bedtime and stick to it?
Also, could you do one other tip above this week and see how that makes you feel? Then for weeks to follow, you could try to implement another one as you go.

The goal is not to have all of them down the pack, as that is impossible; it is to work out what works for you and do that, as your future self will thank you in the morning!

Have a wonderful week!


Mukti Santos

My goal is not about reaching everyone, it is about the right people! If you are one of these people, reach out to me by social media and or email, would love to collaborate with you!
“Happiness is a nice long nap.” Peanuts